Related Publications
For more on the ideas that underlie the funding of the Werner Erhard Foundation see the following works in which Werner Erhard's ideas are profiled, acknowledged or drawn upon.
Speaking Being: Werner Erhard,
Martin Heidegger, and a New
Possibility of Being Human by Bruce Hyde, PhD
and Drew Kopp, PhD; Wiley 2019
Werner Erhard's Scholarly Papers: Academic Papers on Integrity, Leadership, and Performance 
Putting Integrity Into Finance: A Purely Positive Approach, by Werner Erhard and Michael C. Jensen; published by The Center on Capitalism and Society in their Journal: Capitalism and Society, Volume 12, Issue 1, May 2017
Book Review of Speaking Being: Jason Tham, Rhetoric Review, Volume 39, 2020 - Issue 2, Pages: 250-253
Putting Integrity Into Finance: A Purely Positive Approach, (working papers) by Werner Erhard and Michael C. Jensen, National Bureau of Economc Research (NBER) Working Paper No. 19986, March 2014 and European Corporate Governance Institute (ECGI) Finance Working Paper No. 417/2014
Werner Erhard - A Timeline of Werner Erhard's Work and Ideas
Werner Erhard, Martin Heidegger and The Politics of Being: Afterword to Speaking Being, by Michael Zimmerman
The Multiple Facets of Integrity in Business and Management, Rutledge, 2018. Chapter 2, “Integrity: A Positive Model that Incorporates the Normative Phenomena of Morality, Ethics and Legality (Abbreviated Version)” by Werner Erhard, Michael C. Jensen and Steve Zaffron. Editors Marc Orlitzky and Manjit Monga
Handbook of Leadership Theory and Practice, by Dean of Harverd Business School Nitin Nohria and Dean of Harvard College Rakesh Khurana; Harvard Business Press, 2010 ... "What Top Scholars Say about Leadership -Scores of books and articles have been written in the popular press and mainstream marketplace about leadership: who leaders are, what they do, and why they matter. Yet in academia, there is a dearth of rigorous research, journal articles, or doctoral programs focused on leadership as a discipline. Why do top business schools espouse mission statements that promise to "educate the leaders of the future"--yet fail to give leadership its intellectual due? "

The Handbook for Teaching Leadership: Knowing, Doing, and Being, by Scott Snook, Nitin Nohria, and Rakesh Khurana, Sage Publications, 2012. "The last twenty-five years have witnessed an explosion in the field of leadership education. This volume brings together leading international scholars across disciplines to chronicle the current state of leadership education and establish a solid foundation on which to grow the field. It encourages leadership educators to explore and communicate more clearly the theoretical underpinnings and conceptual assumptions on which their approaches are based. It provides a forum for the discussion of current issues and challenges in the field and examines the above objectives within the broader perspective of rapid changes in technology, organizational structure, and diversity.

The Three Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life, by Steve Zaffron and Dave Logan, Jossey-Bass, February 3, 2009. ... "This book filled with insights, real-life encounters and experiences shows us how we may do the work of transformation.
– Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate

Reconstructing Your Worldview: The Four Core Beliefs You Need to Solve Complex Business Problems, by Bartley J. Madden, Learning What Works Inc., September 2014. "Werner Erhard, Michael Jensen, and their Barbados Group colleagues are developing a new paradigm for improving performance and creating an innovative leadership course. Their approach stresses how constraints imposed by one’s own worldview can impede cognitive abilities that would otherwise be available. Instead of just learning about leadership, their goal is for course participants to overcome constraints and achieve ontological mastery – by being leaders."

The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life, by Bernard Roth, Harper Business, July 2015. Dr. Bernard Roth, Rodney H. Adams Professor in the School of Engineering, is the Academic Director, and one of the founders, of the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design (the at Stanford University. “In the Stanford we attempt to bring students through a series of experiences that change their self-image so that they think of themselves as being more creative. We call this boosting their creative confidence. Michael Jensen, Werner Erhard, and their associates use a similar concept in leadership training; they call it “changing the context”... the psychological milieu in which we operate is important because it acts as a hidden arbitrator in how we approach many aspects of our lives.”

Nothing Is So Powerful As An Idea Whose Time Has Come, The Hunger Project - The End of Starvation, This article is adapted from presentations of The Hunger Project made by Werner Erhard in 11 cities in the United States during September and October 1977.
You Don't Alter What You Know, You Alter The Way You Know It, A Conversation with Werner Erhard about The est Training, philosophy, leadership, and vision. Published in Spetember 1983 in The Network Review based on an Interview with researchers from the Graduate Theological Union at the University of California, Berkeley.
California Institute of International Studies – World Affairs Report Volume 16-17, Ronald Hilton, 1986.
“Est, the creation of the American Werner Erhard, has had a surprising success in the Soviet Union. [Erhard] made an agreement with the Chautauqua-like Znaniye (Knowledge) Society of the Soviet Union. Since 1982 he has visited the Soviet Union four times under this agreement. His latest visit was remarkable."
Surviving Together, Issues 17-22, Committee and the Institute, 1989. “The Werner Erhard Foundation, in its fifth year of sponsoring an exchange with the USSR's Znaniye Society, recently hosted a US visit by a Soviet delegation of scholars, economists, and high-ranking officials. The group took part in a symposium with Erhard dealing with the phenomena of managing change.”
University of Pennsylvania Bioethics Film Festival, 2016, Werner Erhard and Jonathan D. Moreno
The est Standard Training, by Werner Erhard and Victor Gioscia: The format of the est standard training is described. Published originally in Biosciences Communications, 1977
Hayek: A Collaborative Biography: Part 1 Influences from Mises to Bartley (Archival Insights Into the Evolution of Economics), Robert Leeson, Editor, Palgrave Macmillan, 2013 - Fifteen scholars collaborated in creating a comprehensive analysis of the life and work of one of the most influential economists of all time. The authors include Werner Erhard along with seven Professors - of Economics, Economic History, Politics and Social Policy. Universities represented include Stanford, Princeton, Oxford, Bielefeld, Western Ontario, Uppsala and Freiburg. This is the first time that such a distinguished collection of scholars – from a variety of perspectives – have attempted to integrate Hayek's life, work and influence on world history with the archival evidence.

Impromptu Man: J.L. Moreno and the Origins of Psychodrama, Encounter Culture, and the Social Network, by Jonathon D. Moreno, Bellevue Literary Press (October 14, 2014) "In many ways the [est] training was the most important cultural event after the human potential movement itself seemed exhausted…"
The Hidden History of Coaching, by Leni Wildflower, Ph.D.: What are the major historical influences on the theory and practice of coaching? Simply put, "Without Carl
Rogers and Werner Erhard coaching would not exist."

Still Surprised: A Memoir of a Life in Leadership, by Warren Bennis, Jossey-Bass; First edition, August 16, 2010 - "The man I came to know was an impressive autodidact. He was especially knowledgeable about theoretical physics, largely as a result of friendships with such distinguished thinkers as Nobel laureates Richard Feynman and Murray Gell-Mann."
Legacy: What The All Blacks Can Teach Us About The Business of Life, by James Kerr. Constable, November 7, 2013
Stan Went Fishing, by Nancy Dorrier,
Werner Erhard's Articles at The Internet Archive: The Internet Archive is a digital library of cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, they provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public.
Real Leadership: Helping People and Organizations Face Their Toughest Challenges,by Dean Williams, San Francisco, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2005 ... "To create a business that works, managers need to understand the needs of people. Performance Management outlines a specific model for creating successful systems" - "Leaders of any organization, whether CEOs, directors or ministers, can benefit from studying the principles Williams has distilled."

The Oxford Handbook of Organizational Well Being, by Susan Cartwright and Cary L. Cooper, Oxford University Press, 2009 ... "In today's changing business environment, the financial health of an organization is increasingly dependent on the extent to which it and its members are able to transform and adapt to these changing internal and external circumstances more effectively than their competitors."

Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge, by Warren G. Bennis and Burt Nanus, New York: HarperCollins, 2003 ... "In this illuminating study of corporate America's most critical issue -- leadership -- world-renowned leadership guru Warren Bennis and his co-author Burt Nanus reveal the four key principles every manager should know."

Harvard Business Review on Change, Harvard Business School Press; September 1998 ... "The Harvard Business Review paperback series is designed to bring today's managers and professionals the fundamental information they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world."
Community: The Structure of Belonging, by Peter Block, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, May 1, 2008 ... "encouraging a shift in our way of thinking about community so we can bring about the qualities of an authentic sense of belonging"

Beyond Coordination and Control Is... Transformation, by David Warsh, Economic Principals, April 8, 2007 ...Article about the Barbados Group and their intention to create a New Paradigm of Performance, the working name for which is "The Ontological Foundations of Performance.”
Handbook of Strategic Management, Second Edition, Public Administration and Public Policy, by
Jack Rabin, Gerald J. Miller, CRC; 2 edition, May 16, 2000 ...The National Institute of Personnel Management called this book "…the most comprehensive single-source treatment of strategic management." 
Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change, in Your Work and in Your Life, by Spencer Johnson, M.D., Putnam’s Sons, 1998 ... Whether you are reacting to changes around you or there are changes you would like to make happen, we can help you harness the ideas in the book to get results.

"An Ontological Approach to Education," by Bruce Hyde, Paper presented at the annual conference of the Western States Communication Association, Portland, Oregon, February 1995 ... Distinguishing the contextual realm addressed by ontological education as a valid area for inquiry by those who think about language and communication, this paper discusses an approach to education that is ontological in nature, in that its focus is the "being" of human beings rather than their knowledge.
The Practice of Acknowledgements, by Peter Anthony Gales: "I would like to acknowledge the work of Werner Erhard... A world that works for everyone is built on trust, commitment, and acceptance of differences and what is. A practice of acknowledgement is necessary for these values to thrive."
True Leadership: The Source of Success, by Lisa Rubenstein: "What do I mean by integrity? The dictionary defines it as a 'soundness of moral principle and character. The state of being whole, entire or undiminished. Sound, unimpaired or perfect condition.'...If we build on that definition and remove the cultural assumptions of morality surrounding our idea of integrity, we can then evaluate it in terms of being "whole and complete" and a way of bringing more power and effectiveness to our lives. As developed by Werner Erhard, who founded the est Training personal development seminars, this concept of integrity is an opportunity to become at peace with oneself and have confidence with the decisions you make, thus enriching the quality of your life."
A New Language For Life: Happy No Matter What! by Louis Koster
"I acknowledge Werner Erhard, a pioneer in transformation, whose work and commitment to humanity inspired me on my life journey."
Onward and Upward: Reflections of a Joyful Life, by Michael Weise "Werner is a genius in constructing a space where people can experience themselves, their authentic selves, and realize they are responsible for creating their own lives."
Music in American Life: An Encyclopedia of the Songs, Styles, Stars, and Stories That Shaped Our Culture; edited by by Jacqueline Edmonson: "With Werner Erhard and Robert W. Fuller, Denver cofounded The Hunger Project, which is committed to the sustainable end of world hunger. The nonprofit organization is most active in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where it seeks to mobilize grassroots efforts to help communities find solutions to hunger.
Passing the Torch: Critical Conversations With Your Adult Children, by Bob Mauterstock: "I want to thank Werner Erhard for creating the est Training which transformed my relationship with my parents, my wife and my daughter."
Re-create Your Life : Transforming Yourself and Your World With the
Decision Maker Process, by Morty Lefkoe, DMI Publishing Division of Decision Maker Institute, LLC, November 15, 2003.

"Create Breakthroughs in Performance by Changing the Conversation," by Perry Pascarella, Industry Week,Vol. 233, No. 6 (June 15), 1987 ... "Werner Erhard, creator of est, has developed an organization to help managers create breakthroughs in performance."
T.H.R.I.V.E: Six Keys To A Fuller Life, by Paul Veliyathil "according to critical thinker and author Werner Erhard, most of our notions about the world come from a set of assumptions which we take for granted, and which, for the most part, we don't examine or question. We bring these assumptions to the table with us to separate ourselves from them enough to be able to talk about them. We do not think these assumptions, we think from them."
You Are What You Say: The Proven Program That Uses the Power of Language to Combat Stress, Anger, and Depression, by Matthew Budd, M.D., and Larry Rothstein, Ed.D., New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001 ... "This book will show you how your language reveals the way you see the world and how this either opens or closes possibilities for you to be successful, to love and to be loved."

The Book on... Business from A to Z: The 260 Most Important Answers You Need To Know, eidited by Daniel Feiman, Build It Backwards Publishing; September 1, 2011: Daniel Feiman teaches “ordinary companies how to create extraordinary results” by leveraging his expertise in Strategy, Finance and Process. Mr. Feiman has provided expertise as a management consultant for more than 16 years after a long and very successful career in commercial banking. He works internationally with cutting edge start-up companies, as well as industry leading multi-national firms; where he facilitates strategy, finance and process improvement projects, improving business effectiveness in a wide range of industries.

You Can Make a Difference, by Earl Babbie, Wadsworth Sociology Resource Center:
"These stories also describe a fork in the road for all humanity. The choice we make will determine the quality of life you and I will experience throughout the remainder of our lives, and it will determine the quality of life we leave to our children and their children as well."
"Resistance and the Background Conversations of Change," by Jeffrey D. Ford, Laurie W. Ford, and Randall T. McNamara, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2002:
"Resistance to change has generally been understood as a result of personal experiences and assessments about the reliability of others. Accordingly, attempts are made to alter these factors in order to win support and overcome resistance. But this understanding ignores resistance as a socially constructed reality in which people are responding more to the background conversations in which the change is being initiated than to the change itself."
Inventing Reality: Physics as Language, by Bruce Gregory. New York John Wiley & Sons, 1990 "Physicists invented a language in order to talk about the world. This book does not set out to explain the discipline, but rather to explore the relationship between the language of physics and the world it describes. The ``physics'' whose history the author traces here is concerned with understanding the ultimate constituents of matter and the nature of the forces through which these constituents interact. The very precise language (mathematics) of physicists gives us an opportunity to see more clearly than is otherwise possible just how much of what we find in the world is a result of the way we talk about it."
Leadership Can Be Taught: A Bold Approach for a Complex World, by Sharon Daloz Parks, Harvard Business School Press, Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation, 2005.
If leaders are made, not born, what is the best way to teach the skills they need to be effective? Today's complex times require a new kind of leadership-one that encompasses a mind-set and capabilities that can't necessarily be taught by conventional methods. 
True to our Roots: Fermenting a Business Revolution, by Paul Dolan with Thom Elkjer, Princeton, N.J.: Bloomberg Press, 2003.
"The book is about taking a stand, then learning to live with the consequences. A stand creates the trend that others want to follow. When you commit yourself to something that doesn't currently exist, you create real change, not incremental change." 
"Civic Engagement and the Restoration of Communication: Changing the Nature of the Conversation," by Peter Block, 2005. "This booklet is a set of ideas and tools designed to restore and reconcile our community by shifting the nature of the public conversation. The public conversation is those conversations that are not held in private. It is the one we hold when we gather in meetings and in large events, and the one that occurs in the media. Our intention is to create the possibility of an alternate future by creating a public conversation based on communal accountability and commitment. This is the essence of what restores community. Restoration and its new possibility is what can make a difference in those places where history and the past seem overridingly restraining."
view pdf
Transformational Leadership: Creating Organizations of Meaning, by Stephen Hacker and Tammy Roberts, ASQ Quality Press, Nov 2003, "A new kind of leadership is required to create and lead an Organization of Meaning. Delivering on the promises of breakthrough change initiatives requires more than management techniques. The calling is for leadership that honors and appreciates the uniqueness of each individual in the organization, aligning distinctive spirits toward a collective thrust, while at the same time bringing commitment, tenacity and focus to key result areas. With effective transformational leadership bringing forth the new order, amazing results are possible. Not simply theory, but demonstrated in a growing number of organizations around the world."

"Transforming the Network of Conversations in BHP New Zealand Steel: Landmark Education Business Development’s New Paradigm for Organizational Change," by David C. Logan. Marshall School of Business Case L984-01, University of Southern California, 1998. The University of Southern California published a case study that focuses on the impact of Vanto Group's work at BHP New Zealand Steel. "Leaders in BHP New Zealand Steel assert that Vanto Group's engagement helped people throughout the organization to change who they were being at work - a shift that galvanized the workforce around a new vision of the future that continues to this day."
Fast Forward: The Best Ideas on Managing Business Change, Harvard Business Review Book Series, March 1996: Bringing together 14 articles from the "Harvard Business Review", this book presents ideas on successfully managing business change. It includes contributions from both scholars and practitioners, including Peter Drucker, John Kotter, Michael Hammer and Rosabeth Moss Kanter. "Numerous writers have grappled with the relationship of past, present and future in the workplace, especially Werner Erhard...We are indebted to numerous philosophers, scholars, and thinkers who have inquired into the nature of being, especially Werner Erhard"

Deadline Busting: How to be a Star Performer in Your Organization, by Jeffrey Ford, Ph.D. and Laurie Ford, Ph.D., iUniverse, 2005.: "The educational programs of Landmark Education and Mission Control Productivity, Inc. have been instrumental in shaping our thinking, and we thank them for the difference they have made for us."

Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others, by James Flaherty, Butterworth-Heinemann; 2nd edition, July 1, 2005. "Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others" proposes rigorous methods of practice and self-observation in a relationship of mutual trust, respect and freedom of expression. It will probe you to rethink and possibly undo how you relate to your clients, your partner, your staff, your friends, and how you produce long-term excellent performance in yourself."
Performance measurement, management, and appraisal sourcebook, by Beaty, Baird, Schneider, & Shaw (editors), HRD Press, (December 1995) The Performance Measurement, Management, and Appraisal Sourcebook is a collection of articles written for managers, human resource management professionals, and employees who want to learn more about performance management and measurement. The collection offers perspectives and practical advice that reflect the importance of linking individual, team, and organizational performance to organizational goals.

The Black Hole War: My Battle with Stephen Hawking to Make the World Safe for Quantum Mechanics, by Leonard Susskind, Little, Brown and Company, July 7, 2008 "I was a particle physicist when I was invited to an event at Werner Erhard's house in 1981. Erhard [founder of est] admired scientists and liked to listen to them debate. At one of his events, I met Stephen Hawking. Stephen discovered an amazing fact, which is that black holes evaporate. It's like a puddle of water out in the sun."
"The Promise of Philosophy and the Landmark Forum," by Steven R. McCarl, Steve Zaffron, Joyce McCarl Nielsen, and Sally Lewis Kennedy, Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. 23, Nos. 1 & 2, Jan./Feb. & Mar./Apr., 2001, pp. 51-59. - Abstract: "Philosophy promises more than contents of thought. It can cultivate openness to continuously arising new contents of thought. Unconsciously identifying with the contents of thought displaces this openness; the remedy for such unnoticed closed mindedness is self-knowledge. In the Socratic tradition the Landmark Forum - a forty-hour course sponsored by the employee owned Landmark Educational Corporation - provides a model of philosophy as the practical art of uncovering and expanding self-knowledge and thereby generating unforeseen ways of being in everyday life."
Honest to God: A Change of Heart That Can Change the World, by Brad Blanton and Neale Donald Walsch, Stanley, Virginia: Sparrowhawk Publications, 2002. This is a conversation between two great minds, exploring the possibilities of creating a world in which the truth is told, compassion is more important than the bottom line and how we can make a contribution to that vision.

The Soul of Money, by Lynne Twist, New York: W.W Norton and Company, 2003. After attending some talks by Werner Erhard, who had set a 20-year goal for ending world hunger. Twist and her husband decided to re-orient their lives toward causes they believed in, and joined the work of the Hunger Project (established in 1977). Later she became involved in other initiatives such as rainforest protection, indigenous rights, and women’s leadership. 
The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life, by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander, Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2000. "This book calls us into a world of opportunity. It illustrates how, with simple shifts in our view of life, we can open ourselves up to our own excellence. Another key learning from this book is that we are shown that when we empower and see the greatness of others, we increase our effectiveness as leaders."

"The Science of Consciousness—The Next Scientific Paradigm," by William A. Guillory, Ph.D., December 23, 2000. "The Science of Consciousness is essentially the study of the non-material world. It is the study of metaphysical phenomena that, for the most part, are not subject to the theories and laws of Newtonian-Cartesian science. However, the human implications of the results of studying consciousness, beyond the physical realm, are immense."
"True Partnership Revolutionary Thinking About Relating To Others," by Carl Zaiss, Berrett-Koehler, Feb 2002 This book provides a provocative and spellbinding look at the limitations of our current perspective and how we can transform the way we go about relating to others and producing results.

Tribal Leadership: Leveraging Natural Groups to Build a Thriving Organization
by Dave Logan, John King, Halee Fischer-Wright; Collins Business, January 22, 2008 "Within each corporation are anywhere from a few to hundreds of separate tribes. In Tribal Leadership, Dave Logan, John King, and Halee Fischer-Wright demonstrate how these tribes develop—and show you how to assess them and lead them to maximize productivity and growth. A business management book like no other, Tribal Leadership is an essential tool to help managers and business leaders take better control of their organizations by utilizing the unique characteristics of the tribes that exist within"

You Are What You Say: A Harvard Doctor’s Six-Step Proven Program for Transforming Stress Through the Power of Language, by Matthew Budd, M.D. and Larry Rothstein, Ed.D., New York: Crown Publishers, 2000. "According to Matthew Budd, M.D., author of You Are What You Say: A Harvard Doctor's Six-Week Proven Program for Transforming Stress into Resilience and Vitality, language determines how we feel both physically and emotionally. By changing our words (both what we say to ourselves and others), we can reduce stress, enhance our health, improve communication, and transform our life."

The Soul of Business, by Lynne Twist, David Whyte, Matthew Fox, Carol Orsborn, Keshavan Nair, Willis Harman, Barry Schieber, Margaret Wheatley, Myron Kellner-Rogers, Michael Toms, Charles Garfield; Hay House, December 1997: "The Soul of Business will help you understand the psychology of the contribution to the corporate structure and why corporations need to encourage “soul” in order to survive. Learn the meaning of truly satisfying work, how to use mental concentration to increase productivity, and more." 
TrimTabs Investing: Using Liquidity to Beat the Stock Market, by Charles Biderman, Wiley and Sons 2005: Whether you are an investment professional managing billions of dollars or an individual investor with a small nest egg, TrimTabs Investing shows you how to beat the major stock market averages with less risk. This groundbreaking book begins by comparing the stock market to a casino in which the house (public companies and the insiders who run them) buys and sells shares with the players (institutional and individual investors). TrimTabs Investing argues that stock prices are primarily a function of liquidity—the amount of shares available for purchase and the amount of money available to buy them—rather than fundamental value. Finally, it outlines the building blocks of liquidity theory and explains how you can use them to predict the direction of the stock market. 
The Age of Miracles: Embracing the New Midlife, by Marianne Williamson, Hay House Inc, January 31, 2008: "Midlife is not new territory, obviously, but what is new is how many of us are reaching for something outside its culturally prescribed norms. According to Werner Erhard, founder of the est organization, we can live our lives either acting out of circumstances or acting out of a vision. And when it comes to midlife, we can forge a new visions, a new conversation, to take us beyond the limited thought-forms that have defined its parameters for generations. The circumstances are fixed, but out experience of them is not."

Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others, by James Flaherty, Butterworth-Heinemann; July 1, 2005: ""Coaching: Evoking Excellence in Others" proposes rigorous methods of practice and self-observation in a relationship of mutual trust, respect and freedom of expression. It will probe you to rethink and possibly undo how you relate to your clients, your partner, your staff, your friends, and how you produce long-term excellent performance in yourself."
Performance Management: Creating the Conditions for Results, by Michael D. McMaster & Charles D. Fox, Metamorphous Press, March 1994: This book will show you business managemt systems using the latest technologies to guarrantee successful business systems. To create a business that works, managers need to understand the needs of people. Performance Management outlines a specific model for creating successful systems by implementing the techonology of NLP. This unique 4-book volume, combined for the first time in paperback, introduces a complete system to meet the needs of any organization. The specific behaviors required to make a human system work are presented with explicit models and examples. Each section presents a different aspect of implementing the system, from the most specific communications requirements to a broad theoretical view of management for performance and results.

The Success Principles, by Jack Canfield, HCI, July 1, 2001: Jack Canfield is an motivational speaker and author. Throughout Jack Canfield's best selling book, The Success Principles, there are numerous quotations from some of the world's most respected and accomplished individuals in our history incuding this quote from Werner Erhard, ""Your life works to the degree you keep your agreements."

"A Shortcut to Motivated and Adaptive Workforces, Phase 1 Results." The Talent Foundation, London, June 2000. This web-based strategic thinking system is designed to help people anticipate and better prepare for emerging global opportunities and risks, develop new visions, cultures, processes and measures of success fit for the 21st century.
Creativity: Science Based Outlook on Life and Work, by Anders Lennart Swahn & Staffan Svahn, Authorhouse, September 2008: In their Acknowledgement section of their book, the authors write, " The specialized term 'Communication for Creation' is developed from courses in Communication for Action that were organized by Werner Erhard and Fernando Flores in the U.S. in the early '80s, and they have contributed to this book in fundamental ways."

Take Back Your Life!: Using Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 to Get Organized and Stay Organized, Sally McGhee, Microsoft Press, June 13, 2007: In Take Back Your Life!, productivity expert Sally McGhee shows you how to take control and reclaim something you thought you’d lost forever—your work-life balance.

Introduction to the Theory of Constraints (TOC) Management System (Apics Series on Constraints Management, by Jr, Thomas B. McMullen, CRC; 1 edition,April 13, 1998: Introducing an important new expression of management science called the Theory of Constraints (TOC), this book helps busy executives and professionals quickly learn and implement TOC principles. Introduction to the Theory of Constraints (TOC) Management System organizes several proven TOC principles, processes, and solutions into a TOC management system that has been successfully applied to everything from manufacturing industries to health care.
"Always in Character: Jeff Bridges, He Plays for Keeps – as an Actor and a Man," by Annette Tapert, Town & Country, August 2005. Jeff Bridges has long been involved in the hunger issue. In 1983 helped found the End Hunger Network, which staged the Live Aid concerts in 1985 and produced the movie “Hidden in America,” about a father who could not provide for his children. Bridges said that his interest and inspiration goes back to his experiences with “est” and Werner Erhard, who challenged people with the idea that once they knew that widespread hunger could be overcome—they shouldn’t look to others to solve the problem but should take action themselves.
"Civic Engagement and the Restoration of Community—Changing the Nature of the Conversation, by Peter Block, " Civic Engagement Series, sponsored by A Small Group. 2004: Committed to the creation of a restorative and reconciled community A Small Group's intent is to engage the disengaged. The means is to offer powerful tools and strategies of civic possibility, civic accountability, and civic commitment which enhance the associational life of the community. The outcome is to help citizens create a future distinct from the past.
"Beyond Time Management, Business with Purpose", by Robert J. Wright, Butterworth-Heinemann, December 1996: This book demonstrates the power of doing business with meaning. It shows the reader how to be more effective while experiencing greater fulfillment and success as a business person and leader. It shows how to live meaningfully right now, without waiting to find the right job.
Unshackled Leadership, Building Businesses Based on Faith, Trust, Possibility and Abundance, by Scott Hunter: The Unshackled Leadership approach helps people profoundly understand themselves and frees them from the constraints of conventional thinking that has resulted in mediocre performance and self-limiting cultural patterns. This approach creates extraordinary people who are empowered to create extraordinary organizations.
The Power of Coaching: Managing the TIME of Your Life, by Machen MacDonald, Diane Ruebling, Harry Hoopis, Stephen Covey, Alison Arnold, Jose Feliciano, Ruben Gonzalez, Jed Niederer, Germaine Porche, Scott Taylor, Brian Tracey, Denis Waitley and Patti McKenna, PLI Publishing, March 31, 2008: The Power of Coaching tells you what it takes to coach and lead others effectively. The biggest challenge most people have that keeps them from getting things done and getting what they want is their inability to manage themselves effectively in relation to time.This book is dedicated to helping people get thier lives back with coaching to manage their time and activites more effectively.

Handbook for Humans: A Comprehensive Synthesis of Paths to Personal Growth, by James Sloman, Ocean Blue Publishing, 1988: "Integrity can be divided into two components - telling the truth and keeping your word. Werner Erhard has often emphasized these two notions, and I think rightly so." 
Surfing the Edge of Chaos: The Laws of Nature and the New Laws of Business, by Richard T. Pascale, Mark Millemann, and Linda Gioja, New York: Crown Business, 2000: According to the authors of this book if you want your company to stay alive then run it like it is a living organism. The first rule of life is also the first rule of business: Adapt or die.

"Honoring Werner for Our Start," by Dollene Spencer, Youth At Risk Newsletter, April 2004.
Olga Nietta Loffredi and Steve Zaffron, "High Performance Teams: a New Paradigm," Developers’ CIO Magazine, Brazil, September, 1999.
Viewpoint: You Can't Apply est
Jack Canfield's Key to Living the Law of Attraction: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life of Your Dreams, by Jack Canfield, HCI, December 3, 2007: This book identifies the three most important fundamentals for consistent success: developing unusual clarity; understanding that habits determine your future; and using a "no exceptions policy" approach to focus on what you want.

Look the Future Straight in the Eye: Action Beyond the Great Postmodern Jeremiad, by Tom Riley, Frederick, Md.: PublishAmerica, 2004: Take a short trip through time and mind and look at the problems of our age straight in the eye and design a vision of a new age of sustainability, stability, and renewal. From that vantage point breakthroughs in science and technology can help people work toward a new age with clear minds and joy in their hearts. Young people can build an image of great things to come and then use that image as a practical tool to achieve a meaningful future. There is much work to be done, but it is all work that can be done. Join in -- you will look at things in ways you have never looked at them before. Come along, it will be fun. I promise.

"Interfaith Advocate for Including Everyone at the Table," by Sharon Abercrombie, Catholic San Francisco, May 14, 2004: "Father O’Rourke insists that the practice of deep listening to another, without putting up defenses, filters or preconceived notions, is the most important act of peace people can practice today....A large influence on the priest was his experience of studying with Werner Erhard, who he met in 1973. Father Gerry says this relationship was important because of Erhard’s insights and analysis of language, both in listening and speaking. The priest saw that communication is one of the essentials for peace making, and love is a function of communication. That’s one of Erhard’s most important lessons, he said. 'Erhard empowered me to see things in a more contextual and inclusive way.' Inspired by Erhard, Father O’Rourke founded the Mastery Foundation with a group of people interested in empowering people working in religious ministry. Several times a year, the priest quietly gets on a plane and travels, at his own expense, to places like Clarksdale, Mississippi, Belfast and Derry in Northern Ireland, to help deliver programs to empower people on both sides of longstanding conflicts in ways to develop friendships with one another."
A Look at est in Education: Analysis, review and selected case studies of the impact of the est experience on educators and students in primary, secondary, and post-secondary education, by Robert W. Fuller and Zara Wallace, January 1, 1975.
"Promises vs. Guarantees" Humans and Computer: Writings on Projects, Language, and Design, February 18, 2004.
"Is Self-Help the New Religion?" by Peter Silverton, Marie Claire (UK), July 4, 2003.
"So What is The Landmark Forum?" by Amelia Hill, London Observer, December 14, 2003.
"The est Standard Training," by Werner Erhard and Victor Gioscia, Journal of Individual Psychology, Volume 31, Number 1, May, 1975: "The format of the est standard training is described. Relationships which participants develop in the training are: to the trainer, to the group, and to self. Three aspects of self are presented: self as concept, self as experience and self as self. Relation of these three aspects of self to the epistemology of est are discussed, as are the experiences of aliveness and responsibility."
Spiritually Incorrect: Finding God in All the Wrong Places, by Dan Wakefield, ills. by Marian DelVecchio, SkyLight Paths Publishing, 2003: With candor and humor, this book reveals that there are a multitude of ways to find spiritual fulfillment. Something of a memoir, partially essay, and irreverent whimsical biographal reflection on the barriers that get in the way of spiritual fulfillment, this book shows that rules were made to be broken and it is possible to find your own true spiritual path.

It's Not How Good You Are, Its How Good You Want to Be: The World's Best Selling Book , by Paul Arden, Phaidon Press, June 1, 2003. This book serves as a guide to making the most of yourself — it sets a path for talented and timid people to make possible what was unthinkable ... Paul Arden offers his insights into subjects like “The value of being fired” and “Why it’s often better to be wrong than to be right.”

Quantum Spirituality: A Journey of Personal Discovery, Grant Trevithick, Quantum Spirituality Press, January 2003: This book starts out with exercises to demonstrate to readers that they have created their current life by using fundamental spiritual laws. Once the reader understands the laws, the books continues by explaining in simple, easy to follow, step-by-step techniques how to apply these laws to create the life they most desire. These laws are then illustrated through the areas of Self-Love, Vitality and Health, Loving Relationships, and Unlimited Abundance and Prosperity.

"Wonder Landmark," by Tomer Keren, Petach Tikva, Israel: The Green Newspaper, January 30, 2003 (in Hebrew).
Self Realization, by Espy M. Navarro and Robert Navarro, Philadelphia, Pa.: Xlibris Corporation, 2002: Espy and Robert Navarro are est graduates who first took the est training in August 1975. From several hundred hours of participation in various est seminars, they share the power, value and significance of the content and context of these consciousness raising events of the 1970's. Twenty-six years later, they continue to benefit from this life-altering experience.

Winning Through Enlightenment, by Ron Smothermon, Context Publications, 1979: This is Ron's first book and a perennial favorite. Recommended by Norman Vincent Peale, with a comment by Werner Erhard, and a foreword by Ken Keyes Jr., this book is about bringing an enlightened condition to everyday life. It is composed of short, easy to digest chapters, straight to the point, and full of lasting value. Readers report reading and rereading this book over and over. Many people buy it in bulk to share with friends.

"Finding Each Other Through The Forum," by Dianna Marder, Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday Magazine (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), January 27, 2002: "Eileen, 30, and Ben, 28, were married in a candlelit ceremony on Dec. 7 at St. Eleanor Church in Collegeville, Eileen’s hometown. Ben’s parents and his sisters sang an Irish hymn during the lighting of the unity candle, and everybody celebrated later at the Limerick Golf Club. At Ben’s insistence, his whole family has been to the Landmark Forum now. 'When my sister did it, she told me how great it was, and of course I didn’t believe her because she’s my younger sister. You really do get your life out of it,' he said."
"est: Communication in a Context of Compassion," by Werner Erhard and Victor Gioscia, Ph.D., Journal of Current Psychiatric Therapies, 1978: "...Graduates of the est training - whether they are therapists, patients, educators, physicians, attorneys, or people from other walks of life - regularly report that their ability to be, to be with themselves and with others, and to engage with others in a full participation in the opportunities of life have been transformed; i.e., shifted from a thing-determined to a self-determined context. This shift enables and empowers therapists and patients who have taken the est training to experience themselves as the source of their ability to experience each other with absolute compassion."
"‘Transformation’ in a Weekend?" by Oliver Libaw,, August 13, 2002.
Fish! Tales: Real Life Stories to Help You Transform Your Workplace and Your Life, by Stephen C. Lundin, John Christensen, and Harry Paul, with Philip Strand, New York: Hyperion, 2002.

ReVision: Werner Erhard on Transformation and Productivity: An Interview, Published in Revision: The Journal of Consciousness and Change, Volume 7 Number 2, Winter 84 / Spring 85. Werner Erhard is interviewed by Norman Bodek on the topic of transformation in the workplace as well as the art and discipline of transformation itself.
The est Training in the Prisons, Article by Mark Woodard on The est Training in Prisons, originally printed in the University of Baltimore Law Journal in 1982
Scene Magazine: Interview with Werner Erhard: "Empowerment requires a breakthrough, a shift from looking for a leader to a sense of personal responsibility. The problems we now have in communities and societies are going to be resolved only when we can function and live at the level of vision rather than following some great leader's vision. Instead of looking for a great leader we are in an era where each of us needs to find the great leader in ourlselves." - Werner Erhard
Outcome Study of Werner Erhard's est Training, by Robert Ornstein, PhD - In early 1974, an exhaustive survey “A Self-Report Survey: Preliminary study of Participants in Erhard Seminars Training” by R. Ornstein, C. Swencionis, A. Deikman, and R. Morris was completed by 10.5% of the est graduate population. The survey asked graduates to report their experience of health and well-being after the est training and their experience of health and well-being the year before the training.... Respondents reported strong positive health and well-being changes since taking the est Standard Training, especially in the areas of psychological health and well-being.
est- a Philosophical Appraisal, by Michael Zimmerman: "The purpose of this report is to provide a philosophical assessment of the est training. I first took the training in New Orleans in January, 1981, and reviewed it as an observer in Sacramento in February, 1982. My analysis of the training is guided by my understanding of the philosophy of Martin Heidigger, existential psychotherapy, and eastern religions. The following appraisal arises not only from my theoretical training as a philosopher, however, but also from my own personal experience."
Report on The est Training, by Humberto Maturana: "The training is a set of interpersonal interactions that lead to emotional and intellectual experiences that provide a circumstance and an instrument for self awareness, self observation and reflection on the circumstances of the subject trainee, both in his individual life and as a social being."
Assessment of the Philosophical Significance of The est Training, by Hubert Dreyfus: "In the course of the training it became progressively clear to me that the experience underlying the training and the conceptualization of this experience have deep affinities with the phenomena presented and analyzed in Martin Heidegger's Being and Time...It is directly manifest in the training that est embodies a powerful and coherent truth which transforms the quality of the lives of those who experience it. Moreover, this truth contains radically new insights into the nature of human beings."
"Ethiopia, 1988," by Werner Erhard, The Union Leader, Manchester, N.H., 1989: "In the ordinary course of events it is easy to assume that geopolitics and political ideology form a barrier to effective humanitarian assistance. Here, the United States, the U.S.S.R., Ethiopia and many others, working under the leadership of the United Nations, managed to pull together in spite of their very real differences, not merely to react to a widely publicized disaster as they have before, but to keep the disaster from happening in the first place."
"Repeat Offenders," by Karen Miles, Good Medicine, April 2001. "The next time you find yourself stuck in that same old argument, notice what it is that you’re reacting to and then let the other person know. Honesty takes the fire out of an argument and allows both of you to talk rather than react. And instead of trying to be right about your point of view, ask yourself “What could make a difference for the relationship?” You’ll shift from being consumed with your own viewpoint to considering the other person’s."
"Victim Reaches Out, Robbed Shopkeeper Chooses to Aid Teens," by Doug Mattson, The Union, April 2, 2001. Six kids from Nevada County, including the one allegedly found with some of the stolen chains, attended a forum March 23-25 in San Francisco, and Rasch helped pay their $2,700 admission fee. The Sierra Center For Positive Living also pitched in. The Landmark Forum for Teens claims to help teens think for themselves and reach their potential through conferences and forums.
"Our Life Changing Experience" by Ann Drew, The Probe (U.K.), June 2001. "The course to pre-empt any others, (and there are some great ones out there), has to be The Landmark Forum. In fact it is more a life changing event than a course; three of the most valuable days I have ever spent. There really is no point in going on any other courses until you have been on this one. It’s a course for everyone."
Reading Under the Covers: An Autobiography, by Elizabeth Goodell Russell. Lincoln, Neb.: iUniverse, Inc., 2005. The autobiography of a 20th century woman born into a Puritan New England family. Her life experiences challenged her family’s traditions and transformed her life. Author Elizabeth Russell’s dramatic story speaks of the isolation and longing deep within us that is tempered by an appreciation of the awe-inspiring world in which we live. If being human means being fully engaged in knowing oneself, then READING UNDER THE COVERS may inspire others who have abandoned the search for self or have never engaged in it. READING UNDER THE COVERS is intended to generate a conversation that is missing in society today—a conversation about aging that views life as an opportunity not to be squandered, but to be cherished until the end. 
"What Do You Like About Your Life?" by Ellen Snortland, Pasadena Weekly (Pasadena, California), June 28, 2001. "A friend suggested that I check out The Forum, a course given by the Landmark Education Corporation...They said that they’d gotten a lot out of The Forum; that it had been three days of introspection and exploration that had served to clear internal log jams, true them up to their dreams and helped with getting things straightened out, on their own terms.
Coach Anyone About Anything: How to Help People Succeed in Business and Life, by Germaine Porché and Jed Niederer, Del Mar, California: Wharton Publishing, 2001 ...the difference between leadership, management, and coaching - how to focus on results-producing actions instead of busy-work activities. - the four attributes necessary to accomplish your goals - how to listen and ask evocative questions. - fast and effective process mapping. 
"Some Aspects of the est Training and Transpersonal Psychology: A Conversation, Transcript of conversation between Werner Erhard and James Fadiman, Association for Transpersonal Psychology, San Francisco, California, February 1, 1977...."probably the single most misunderstood explanation that comes out of people who have been through the est training is this business about responsibility. People cannot get that there is something beyond blame or fault, credit or praise. I think what frightens people about ultimately being enlightened is that it's an ultimately responsible position. People who come out of the training do the same stupid things they did before the training. The point is that they give them up after a while. And then they do the stupid things that are next underneath the stupid things they've given up, and then they give those up after a while. So, when you got it you do stupid things, and when you don't got it you do stupid things, so what's the difference? The difference is that there's a sense of satisfaction about life or a sense of completeness about life when you're completing counter-productive patterns, a sense which is missing when you're simply reinforcing or dramatizing or acting out counter-productive patterns. So the real purpose of est is not to make people better. That's really difficult for people to
understand. People come out of the training absolutely unchanged if the training has really worked. Now there is some little side stuff that people talk about, about how they got better and how they lost their thyroid condition and all that stuff. That's not what the training is about. The training's about not moving someplace. It's not about growth. The training's about transformation in which the process of
life is reversed, and if, in fact, that does happen, then community is the natural process which results from transformation.
So the training is not an end of anything. It's the beginning of something and what it begins is that process of community. But then, instead of trying to get enlightened, you live as an expression of the enlightenment." - Werner Erhard
Principles of Powerful Living, by Joe Rubino, Jaico Books, 2000. "Dr. Joe Rubino is known for his groundbreaking work in personal and leadership development, building effective teams, enhancing listening and communication skills, life and business coaching and optimal life planning.
Dare to Win, by Jack Canfield, Berkley Trade, February 1, 1996 Jack Canfield is an American motivational speaker and author. He is best known as the co-creator of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" book series 
Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results, by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, and John Christensen, New York: Hyperion, 2000. On a visit to Seattle, Christensen observed how animated and happy the employees at Seattle's Pike Place Fish Market were in their work. They filled orders by flinging fish to each other, inciting laughter from the customers and compliments about their throwing/catching abilities, or commiseration if they missed. Employees would often invite customers to join the fun. The Pike Place employees gave their complete attention to each of their customers and ensured each had an enjoyable visit. Christensen realized that not only were the workers making a routine errand fun for themselves and their customers, they also were selling tons of fish. He constructed the FISH! Philosophy from his observations of Pike Place employees.

"The Story of Our Lives," by Vanora Bennett, London Times Magazine, July 2000 " we left the Sunday night finale, we were visibly happier than three days earlier. Our marathon of soul-baring had bonded everyone in the room, as if to an enormous instant family, and left a warm afterglow of affection towards the rest of humankind."
"Breaking Out of the Box," by Debra Feinstein, Benchmark, A Xerox Publication, Fall, 1989.Rather than imposing goals on organizations and managing to narrow people's actions toward the acheivement of those goals, the excellent business leaders will establish organizations in which there will be a lot more freedom for people to actually be proactive and entrepreneurial and self-generating.
The Shadow on the Path: Clearing the Psychological Blocks to Spiritual Development, by V.J. Fedorschak (Chapter 4, pages 118-122), Prescott, Arizona: Hohm Press, 1999. Psychology and spiritual healing meet in this book that explores the nature of the human psychological 'shadow.'The Shadow on the Path offers four approaches to help readers understand and face their shadow-and thereby regain clarity and growth in their lives.

"Soul Training," by Alison Bass, Boston Globe, March 3, 1999. At The Forum, a Retooled Version of the Controversial est Movement, Seekers of Many Stripes Set Out on a Path of Self-Examination - "They have come from all over New England, from as far away as Vermont's Canadian border to nearby South Boston. But the 132 souls huddling on chairs in a windowless conference room in Dorchester don't look particularly lost. They are physicians, engineers, software consultants, house painters, store owners, lawyers, students, single mothers, and an Episcopal priest, and they belong to a group sociologists might call “the worried well.”
The Success Principles: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be, by Jack Canfield, December 26, 2006 You can achieve any dream, become who you want to be, and make your life exactly as you want it.

"A Critical Analysis of the Transformative Model of Mediation," by T.L. Kelly, Unpublished graduate paper, Portland State University, Portland, Ore., April 1999. "The Transformative Mediation Model has evolved as a result of observations of spontaneous transformations of thinking or unexpected "changes of heart" that occur during mediations, particularly with victim-offender mediation. In effect, the models have been shaped by observations, rather than by systematic analysis of theoretical concepts leading to applications. This paper suggests existing theories that may premise these models, and points out assumptions about human behavior implicated in those theories."
"A Very Nineties Weekend," by Annabel Miller, The Tablet, May 1999.
"The Best of est?" by Charlotte Faltermayer, Time Magazine, March 16, 1998.
"This Is It: est, Twenty Years Later," by Eliezer Sobel, The Quest, Summer 1998. "The purpose of the est training was to "transform your ability to experience living [my emphasis] so that the problems or situations in life that you are trying to solve or are putting up with will clear up just in the process of life itself." What would shift, they promised, was how we experienced things, not the things themselves. Life, the trainers said, would be exactly the same after the two-weekend course as before. The same bills would need to be paid, we'd be dealing with the same issues and problems. But we would experience them differently, "be with" them in such a way that they would essentially solve themselves, or at the very least be seen as 'opportunities.'"
60 Minutes and Werner Erhard: How America's Top Rated Television Show Was Used in an Attempt to Destroy a Man Who Was Making A Difference, by Jane Self "Anyone who reads this book will see that it was very well researched. Jane Self obviously did not enter the writing project with an ax to grind, but as someone wanting simply to uncover the truth. I benefited greatly from doing the EST training in 1972 and was active in EST programs for many years, including being a guest seminar leader, and know first hand about the truth of many of her assertions. I was delighted to see someone stand up to the–surprisingly spineless–60-Minute people, who had done a real hatchet job on Werner Erhard in that broadcast. As other reviewers have mentioned, all the seemingly damning allegations have subsequently been recanted. I worked for Werner’s wife Ellen in 1973, and was in close touch with Werner all during the 70’s and 80’s, and still consider him to be one of the best friends I ever had. I think he has a heart of gold, and his greatest desire is to love and empower people. I assert that he’s done a better job of it than just about anyone anywhere. Which is not to say he didn’t make mistakes, maybe some major ones. So who hasn’t?? I know for a fact that he put in 100+ hour weeks every week, putting out the most positive energy he could, once again, to empower the greatest number of people possible. I’d think it is fair to say that he’s surely done his best to rectify past mistakes the best way he can…and has moved on. Like I would hope we all do. More power to you, my dearest of friends. This book is well worth reading." -comment from a reader.
"This Is Still It: est, Thirty Years Later," by Eliezer Sobel, The Quest, July, Aug 2006 "Perhaps the most important teaching from the est training that has stayed with me these thirty years concerns my very identity. Simply put, that chattering voice living inside my head, calling itself "I" and "me," constantly narrating the story of my life, is not who I really am. Rather, the training revealed it as nothing more than an automatic and mechanistic thinking machine that sometimes has great ideas, but more often simply perpetuates a grim, problem-riddled interpretation of life, and is thoroughly ill-qualified to be in charge of me and my decisions."
Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue (Books 1, 2, & 3), by Neale Donald Walsch, Charlottesville, Va: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1998. 
The Mind's Dedication to Survival, by Werner Erhard, Gilbert Guerin, and Robert Shaw, Journal of Individual Psychology, Volume 31, Number 1, May, 1975. The purpose of this report is to discuss some observations and conclusions relative to the mind's dedication to survival, a central theoretical concept in the EST training.
"Landmark Education Corporation: Selling a Paradigm Shift," by Karen Hopper Wruck and Mikelle Fisher Eastley, Harvard Business School Case 9-898-081. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1997 (revised April 22, 1998).
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Living Your Dreams, by Jack Canfield,
HCI; 10 Anv edition (August 12, 2003)

Werner Erhard: The Transformation of a Man, The Founding of est, by William Warren Bartley, III., New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1978.

Christian Belief and the ‘New Awareness’: A Qualitative Sociological Study and a Theological Critique, by Gillian Paschkes-Bell, Master of Theology, University of Oxford, 1998.
Leadership and the Art of Conversation, by Kim H. Krisco, Prima Publishing, 1997. "We speak. We listen. We chat. Lots of people know how to talk—but few know how to really communicate. Conversation is the most powerful yet underutilized tool at a manager's command. If managers change the way they talk to people, they can become much more than effective managers—they can become great leaders."
"The Weekend That Changed My Life," Teen Magazine (U.S.), February, 1997. "A girl got up from the audience and started talking about how her mom was a drug addict and how much she hated her mother.“I want a new mom,” she cried. “Unfortunately, you can’t choose a new mom,” the leader replied. “You have to deal with and accept the one you have.” This hit me hard. It made me realize that, for better or for worse, my mom was my mom. I couldn’t choose another one, but I could try to make the best of the situation. One of the most powerful moments for me came on Sunday. The leader asked, “What is life?” People said things like, “Life sucks”, or they joked, “Life is like a box of chocolates.” Then the leader said, “Life is none of those things. Life is what you make it. You have the power to take action and change things in your life. Life has no meaning except for what you give to it.” Up till then, I thought that my life was pretty bad and would always be bad. It never occurred to me that I could do something about it. When I got home from The Forum, my head was spinning with all the new ideas I’d been exposed to. It’s hard to explain all the things I learned, but so much of what they taught me changed the way I think – about school, about my mom, about lying, about drugs, about my entire life...I don’t hate life anymore – I love it! I never knew I could be so happy. And a lot of it I owe to The Forum. I know it sounds hard to believe, but that weekend totally changed my life."
Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life By Telling the Truth, by Brad Blanton, Ph.D. New York: Dell Publishing, 1996. 
"Come On! There’s a New Life Waiting Over the Weekend," by Jill P. Capuzzo, Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), March 1996.
"In Training, Free Choice is the Key," by Werner Erhard, The Atlanta Constitution, October 11, 1989.
The Last Word on Power, by Tracy Goss. Currency, 1995.
"Coaching and the Art of Management," by Roger D. Evered and James C. Selman, In The Performance Measurement, Management, and Appraisal Sourcebook, edited by Douglas G. Shaw, Craig Eric Schneier, Ph.D., Richard W. Beatty, Ph.D., and Lloyd S. Baird, Ph.D. Amherst, Mass.: Human Resource Development Press, Inc., 1995.
"A New Paradigm for Educational Change," by Robert J. Marzano, Steve Zaffron, Linda Zraik, Sanford L. Robbins, and Lois Yoon. Education, Vol. 116, No. 2, Winter 1995.
"Winning Ideas in Management: Distilled Wisdom: Buddy, Can You Paradigm?," by Brian Dumaine, Fortune Magazine, May 15, 1995, pp. 205-206.
The Aladdin Factor, by Jack Canfield, Berkley Trade (October 1, 1995) 
"Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Russia: Perspectives and Problems of International Technology Transfer and Investment," by Eric Martinot, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California at Berkeley, 1995.
"Discovering New Inner Strength,"by Eugene Koay, Texans Talk, Arlington Texas, November 10, 1995.
"Erhard in Exile," by Dan Wakefield, Common Boundary, March/April 1994.
"Landmark Forum Can Make a Difference," by Wyatt Emmerich, Northside Sun, Jackson, Mississippi, May 26, 1994.
"The Landmark Forum," by Akasha, Sydney Tribune, June 1994.
"The Reinvention Roller Coaster: Risking the Present for a Powerful Future" by Anthony Athos, Richard Pascale, and Tracy Goss, Harvard Business Review, Nov./Dec. 1993.
"Comparative Effects in Business and Education of an Intervention Designed to Produce Second Order Change," by Robert J. Marzano and Linda Zraik. Technical report, Landmark Education Corporation, San Francisco, California, 1993.
60 Minutes and the Assassination of Werner Erhard: How America’s Top Rated Television Show Was Used In An Attempt To Destroy A Man Who Was Making A Difference, by Jane Self, Houston, Texas: Breakthru Publishing, 1992.

"3-Day Workshop for NHID Helps Fannie Mae Manage for the Future," NewsLink, Fannie Mae Employees, Vol. 23, No. 10, October 1992.
Wealth Creation: A Systems Mindset for Building and Investing in Businesses, by Bartley J. Madden, Wiley, 2010 
"A Breakthrough Conference: Inventing the Future," Newsletter for Aging in America, Winter 1991.
Productivity Management, A Step-by-Step Guide for Health Care Professionals, Jack A. Gilbert, American Hospital Publications, 1990.
Imagine Being In a Life You Love, by Kristin Andress and Jarqui Jeanes-Lowry, Imagine Being Press; February 28, 2010

"The Psychological Effects of Participation in a Large Group Awareness Training: Final Report of a Longitudinal Investigation," by J.D. Fisher, R. Cohen-Silver, J.M. Chinsky, B. Goff, and Y. Klar, University of Connecticut, 1989.
"Psychological Effects of Participation in a Large Group Awareness Training," by J.D. Fisher, R. Cohen Silver, J.M. Chinsky, B. Goff, Y. Klar, and C. Zagieboylo, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 57, No. 6, 1989, pp. 747-755.
The Yankelovich Study: Analysis of The Landmark Forum and Its Benefits (study conducted in 1989), DYG, Inc.
"Ending Hunger, The Era of Opportunity: The Commitments and Promises of The Hunger Project," New York: The Hunger Project, 1988 (audiocassette).
"The Impact of The Forum on the Religious Beliefs and Practices of Participants," by E. Babbie and J. Mantos, A report on the results of an independent survey by Arthur Young & Company, 1987.
"The Heart of the Matter," San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1985 (set of three audiocassettes).
"Family: Between Parent and Child," Phyllis Allen, San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1984 (audiocassette).
"What is the Possibility of Relationship? The Complete, Unabridged Course by Werner Erhard," San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1984 (set of three audiocassettes).
"The Forum Presents: Conversations with Werner Erhard, Volume I. Tape 1: Defining Your Life; Tape 2: On Problems; Tape 3: On Relationships," San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1983 (set of three audiocassettes).
"Questions and Answers: An Interview With Werner Erhard About The est Training," San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1983 (audiocassette).
"Taking a Stand for the Future," Werner Erhard, San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1983 (audiocassette).
"Reflections on est Training from the Viewpoint of Two Correctional Psychologists," by C.S. Moss and R.E. Hosford International Journal of Eclectic Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 1 (February), 1983, pp. 18-39.
"Shifts in the Countertransference Perceptions of Selected Psychotherapists Undergoing est Self-Awareness Training," by Barbara Knight-Meyers, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1983. [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A, Vol. 44, No. 4 (October), 1983, p. 1031-A.]
"The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come," by Werner Erhard, The Hunger Project, San Francisco, 1982.
"Creation: A Matter of Distinction," Werner Erhard, San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1982 (audiocassette).
"A Special Guest Seminar," Werner Erhard, San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1981 (audiocassette).
"Parents: The Fundamental Relationship," Werner Erhard, San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1981 (audiocassette).
"A World That Works for Everyone," Werner Erhard, San Francisco: est, an educational corporation, 1980 (audiocassette)
"Relationships: Making Them Work," Werner Erhard, San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1980 (audiocassette)
"Research on Erhard Seminars Training in a Correctional Institution," by R.E. Hosford, C.S. Moss, H. Cavior, and B. Kerish, Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, California, 1980.
"Erhard Seminars Training (est): A Theoretical and Empirical Inquiry," by Denise Suzanne Puishes, Psy.D., Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, 1979, [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, Vol. 40, No. 7 (January), 1980, p. 3417-B.]
"A Follow-Up of Personality Changes Subsequent to the Erhard Seminar Training (est)," by Douglas Lee Hazen, Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, 1980, [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, Vol. 41, No. 6 (December), 1980, p. 2322-B.]
"Ego Development, Cognitive Style, and the est Standard Training,” by John Martin Hartke, Ph.D., Temple University, 1980 [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, Vol. 41, No. 1 (July), 1980, p. 353-B.]
"Celebrating Your Relationships," Werner Erhard, San Francisco: est, an educational corporation, 1979 (audiocassette).
Christianity and est, by Max B. Skousen, Marina del Ray, California: DeVorss & Company, 1978.
"est in Prison – General Overview," by E. Babbie, American Journal of Corrections, Vol. 39, No. 6 (November/December), 1977, pp. 22-36 and Vol. 40, No. 1 (January/February), 1978, p. 25.
"A Description of the Erhard Seminars Training (est) in Terms of Behavior Analysis," by D.M. Baer and S.B. Stolz, Behaviorism, Vol. 6, No 1 (Spring), 1978, pp. 45-70.
"Observations on 67 Patients Who Took Erhard Seminars Training," by J. Simon, American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 135, No. 6 (June), 1978, pp.686-691.
"The Use of est as Adjunctive Therapy to Family-Focused Treatment," by N.L. Paul, Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling, Vol. 4 (1), 1978, pp. 51-61.
"Reported Changes in Personality, Self Concept, and Personal Problems Following Erhard Seminars Training (est)," by Jeffrey Alan Weiss, Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, 1977 [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, Vol. 38, No. 8 (February), 1978, pp. 3919-3920-B.]
Society by Agreement: An Introduction to Sociology, by Earl R. Babbie, Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1977.
"An Evaluation of the est Experience by a National Sample of Graduates," by E. Babbie and D. Stone, Biosciences Communications, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1977, pp. 123-140
"An Evaluation of est as an Adjunct to Group Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Severe Alcoholism," by J. Simon, Biosciences Communications, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1977, pp. 141-148.
Light Emerging, the Personal Journal of Healing, by Barbara Ann Brennan, Bantam, 1993
est: 60 Hours that Transform your Life, by Adelaide Bry, New York: Harper & Row, 1976. 
Stone Soup: The Secret Recipe for Making Something from Nothing, by Bill Liao, Book Shaker; 1st edition, January 1, 2010 
Making Work Work: A Leader’s Guide to Creating an Extraordinary Organization, by Scott Hunter, Irvine, California: Hunter Alliance Press, 2004. 
The Power of Acknowledgment, by Judith W. Umlas, International Institute for Learning, March 2008. 
Getting It: The Psychology of est, by Dr. Sheridan Fenwick, Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1976. 
est: Four Days to Make Your Life Work, by William Greene, Pocketbooks, 1976. 
est: Making Life Work, by Robert A. Hargrove, New York: Dell Publishing, 1976. 
Do One Thing Different: Ten Simple Ways to Change Your Life, by Bill O'Hanlon, Harper Paperbacks, October, 2000 
Change 101: A Practical Guide to Creating Change in Life or Therapy, by Bill O'Hanlon, W.W Norton & Company, September 2006 
The est Experience, by James Kettle, Zebra Books, 1976.
est: The Movement and the Man, by Pat R. Marks, Playboy Press 1976. 
The est Experience, by Donald Porter and Diane Taxson, Award Books, 1976. 
The Book of est, by Luke Rhinehart, New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976. 
Rich Brother Rich Sister, by Robert Kiyosaki, Vanguard Press, January 5, 2009.
"Erhard Seminars Training: A Longitudinal Study of its Psychological Effects, Using Selected Scales Measured by the California Psychological Inventory," by Leilani Lewis, Ph.D., California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, 1976 [Cited in American Doctoral Dissertations 1976-1977 (Index), p. 364.]
"The est Experience: A Contextual Approach to Education," by Frank Ronald Siccone, Ed.D. University of Massachusetts, 1976 [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A, Vol. 37, No. 4 (October), 1976, pp. 2087-2088-B.]
"Castro Valley Unified School District, Title III, Parents as Partners," by R. Hoepfner, Summertime Evaluation Report, 1975.
est: Playing the Game the New Way, by Carl Frederick, New York: Dell Publishing, 1974. 
"Evaluation of the Erhard Seminars Training," by C.S. Moss and G. Morrell, Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, California, 1974.
"Continued Evaluation of the Erhard Seminars Training," by C.S. Moss, J.E. Tufte, and W.R. Anderson, Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, California, 1974.
"Abstracts of The Behaviordyne Report on Psychological Changes After Taking the Erhard Seminars Training," by M. Tondow, R. Teague, J. Finney, and G. LeMaistre, Palo Alto, California, 1973.
"A Report of Psychological Changes Measured 18 Months after Taking Erhard Seminars Training," by L. Lewis, San Francisco: est, 1973.
"Psychological and Physiological Changes Measured After Taking the Erhard Seminars Training," by R. Ornstein, C. Swencionis, A. Deikman, and R. Morris, San Francisco: est (unpublished), 1973.
est: Communication in a Context of Compassion, Werner Erhard, Victor Gioscia: An account of est published in The Journal of Current Psychiatric Therapies in 1978, written by Werner Erhard (the founder of est) and an est research consultant.
An Interview with Werner Erhard from PSA Magazine, 1976: Werner Erhard is interviewed by John Johns in a 1976 article published in PSA magazine. "Transformation is the shift of the principle which orients the person’s life, which is ordinarily the principle of gaining satisfaction. Essentially what organizes life for most of us is an attempt to gratify our needs; our psychological needs, our material needs, our personal needs … Individuals transform when there’s a shift in the principle which orients their life from one of gaining satisfaction to one of expressing the satisfaction they’ve already got..." - Werner Erhard
Research on the Benefits of The est Training: This report compiled by Earl Babbie includes many academic studies that point to the multiple benefit of the est Training.
Werner Erhard's est Training in the Prisons, This academic study by Mark Woodard takes an indepth look at Prison Possibilities, Inc., the independent non-profit organization established by the Werner Erhard Foundation that enabled men and women in prisons to alter their predictable futures. This organization's programs demonstrated concrete results in significantly lowering the rate of re arrest and imprisonment among those inmates who participated. A number of the inmates who participated in the programs continue to this day to make the program available to others.
The Holiday Project: An article in The West Side Spirit written by Donica O'Bradovich: The Holiday Project (a project created through the Werner Erhard FOundation) had 32 chapters nationwide with 20,000 volunteers around the country visiting 3,000 patients who were alone for the holidays and throughout the year to bring cheer and gifts.
San Diego Union, article on The Holiday Project, 1979
Physics Conference "Novel Configurations in Quantum Field Theory"
Nothin This Good Ever Happened To Me Before, Graduate Review
est: Communication in a Context of Compassion
Letter from a holiday project volunteer
The Forum Can Set You Free While in Prison
Interview with Werner Erhard from PSA Magazine, 1976
General Systems Theory Conference: On the Construction of Realities
A Shot Heard Round The World - Creating A Context For A World That Works
"Landmark Uses Dialogue to Captivate," Carlos Vasconcellos do Rio,Gazeta do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 2, 2000.
The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal, And Financial Targets With Absolute Certainty, by Jack Canfield, HCI, March 1, 2000

Academic papers that cite Werner Erhard's research:
Integrity as a Core Value in Organizations: The Development and Implementation of a Strong Ethical Culture, by Mercedes Sánchez-Apellániz, Maria José Charlo, and Miriam Núñez; Integrity in Organizations: Building the Foundations for Humanistic Management, 2012, p. 251
Integrity and Leadership: A Positive Development Approach, by Li-Hwa Hung; Integrity in Organizations: Building the Foundations for Humanistic Management, 2012 p. 380
Toward Effective Codes: Testing the Relationship with Unethical Behavior, by Muel Kaptein;
Journal of Business Ethics,
March 2011, Volume 99, Issue 2, pp. 233-251
Honoring One’s Word: CEO Integrity and Accruals Quality, by Shane S. Dikolli
Duke University, William J. Mayew
Duke University,
Thomas D.
Duke University,
June 27, 2012
Governance and the Decision to Issue a Profit Warning, by Claude Francoeur, Réal Labelle and Isabelle Martinez; Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, December 2008,
Volume 25, Issue 4, pp. 317–333